Frequently asked Questions (Faqs)
Q: How long does it take to qualify for a loan?
A: A member becomes eligible for a loan after saving for at least 6 months.
Q: How frequent are the General Meetings and in what mode do they occur?
A: General meetings occur every 3 months. The last one in the calendar year (usually in December) is the AGM. The meetings are conducted virtually except for the AGM which is usually face to face.
Q: What are the group decision-making organs?
A: Ebenezer SHG is governed by the Management Committee comprising of all elected leaders. The elected leaders include the Executive (Chairperson, Secretary & Treasurer), the Spiritual Guide, Organising Secretary, Deputies of the Chairperson and the Secretary, and the members of Committees (Credit & Investment). For further information on how the group is governed, refer to the constitution of the group.